I've seen and met angels wearing the disguise of ordinary people living ordinary lives. ~Tracy Chapman
Simply stated, I have been touched. When I was in medical school I met one of my most dearest friends, Robin, who in turn introduced one of the most incredible families I have ever met. One of their daughters has cystic fibrosis and has undergone not one, but two double-lung transplants. Amazing I tell you! Meeting them and reading their book, The Spirit of Lo, has simply changed my life.
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Through them, I was introduced to the CF world. WOW! Wow! That's the best I can describe my reaction to what I learned. Kids with CF have got to be, hands down, some of the most incredible people I will ever meet. The things they endure daily is mind boggling. Their outlook on life is contagious! I truly believe that CF kiddos were put on this earth to make a difference, to change lives, to be God's angels to the rest of us. I believe there will be a cure, I truly do, but I also believe that God hand picks those that are born with CF. They are given angel wings from day 1, and boy do they live up to their angelic duties. I have learned more through these kids than I could even begin to tell you about. Through this extraordinary blessing, my heart has become full of so much love for CF kids and their families and the things that they must go through in life.
A couple of years ago, I was lead to follow a story about a little girl who was fighting for her life. My heart was aching for this family that was losing their little girl to this devastating disease. Did this family know that I was filled with heartache and grief for their little girl who I had never met? No. I am what you call a silent blog follower :) I love to read blogs and pray for people that need prayers, and I think that's ok. This time though, I wanted to help. Some way, some how, I was going to help the CF community. They have changed my life more than they will ever know, why not do my part to help them find a cure?!
Born was Run to Breathe 5K in memory of Haley. I was a fourth year medical student at the time and I have this idea to organize and direct a 5K run to benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Why a 5K you ask? For those of you that don't know, my family is a family of runners. We love to get together every weekend and run 5Ks. That's what we do! We are the known as the "running family." So needless to say, I have run a lot of 5K runs all over the area, and not one of them benefits the CFF. Hmmm...I'll change that!
The first annual Run to Breathe 5K was held May 2, 2009, on the biggest race weekend in the area. There were at 3-4 runs on that weekend. It poured down rain on the morning of the race. But it was a success!!! We had a great turnout despite the weather and the other surrounding races. Over $3200 was raised to benefit the CFF in hopes of finding a cure! A great accomplishment for a first time race!
As most of you know now, I am now currently in my pediatric residency. Residency consists of 80 hour work weeks and pure exhaustion. I told myself in the beginning that I would not be able to do this race again, its a lot of work!!! Ha, yeah right! I had to do it. I had this tugging in my heart to do my part. I couldn't not do it, I just couldn't! So...
July 17, 2010, with the help of my wonderful hubby and family, the second annual Run to Breathe 5K was held! What a success!!!! We had over 300 runners, more than double what we had last year, and raised over $6000 for the CFF. WOW!!! It was incredible. I couldn't have done it again without the help of my very supportive husband and my awesome family. Special thanks to all the sponsors and wonderful volunteers!!!
The purpose of this post? I challenge you to get out there and do your part to make a difference. Pick something or someone that has changed your life and give back a little. If we all can just take time out every now and then to make a little bit a difference, it'll go a long way and this world will be such a better place.
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. ~Dr. Seuss
What do you do, or what would you like to do to make a difference? 
OMG Nicole:) Congrats! You have accomplished so much in life and still very YOUNG! This is amazing! Brought a tear to my eyes:) So glad to know that there are people still out there that REALLY DO CARE!